The Old School
Patient Participation Group
What is Old School Medical Practice (OSMP) PPG?
The group is run by patient volunteers, who give their views and opinions and help to shape and improve the way you receive your care. Members of the group work closely with the doctors and staff at OSMP, to make real changes within the practice which truly reflect the needs of the patients.
Our patient group has now been established for over 4 years. The aim of the group is to give the patients of OSMP more say into the services you receive from the surgery and other healthcare providers.
The practice will report to the group on various activities it has been engaged in that may affect service. It will report and discuss any changes that might improve or affect care you receive.
Amongst many items the group will discuss will be the practice annual patient survey, the type of Questions to ask patients and the results, followed by any outcomes or actions needed to improve services and the patient experience. You can email the PPG for more information osmp.ppg@nhs.net
What does a Patient Participation Group do?
This is the real business end of Old School PPG. This part of the group is in its infancy and already has an interim volunteer chair person. The PPG will receive the full support and appropriate resources to help it establish itself and run in the future. The Group will have access to information provided by the Practice or available form the local Commissioning Group, enabling it to learn of and from a range of sources and to advise on provision for our community. The practice is currently an affiliated member of NAPP (National Association for Patient Participation). The PPG have full access to the support resources of the association, and the opportunity to link in with many other local PPG’s regionally and nationally. www.napp.org
If you wish to join the group, then contact Reception and we’ll be in touch. No special skills or qualities are required, as everyone has valuable experiences and opinions which are useful. There are no restrictions though we are particularly looking for younger members to join, to try and make the group more representative
OSMP Aims & Objective
To promote and sustain cooperation between the Practice and patients to the benefit of both.
To advise on the development and the continual improvement of the practice.
To seek out and listen to the views of patients and carers including through the annual patient survey. Particular attention would be given to those individuals whose voices are not usually heard.
To engage with and respond to the consultations carried out by, amongst others, the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) to better inform local decisions.